How to choose between the Merkaba activation, or other ways to raise your vibration, deepen your meditation practice and move forward with your ascension work.

Choosing a spiritual practice or technique that resonates with you is a personal decision. It’s essential to take the time to explore and experiment with different methods to find what works best for you. Here are some considerations to help you decide whether Merkaba activation or another technique is the right choice for you: Intention:…

Jump start your heart

Spiral upwards From the first time, we feel painful emotions we start to put up protective walls around our hearts. To prevent us from feeling too much emotion, and to prevent us from being hurt again.  The problem with a closed heart, however, is that you can end up cutting yourself off from source. It…

Etheric cord cutting or Decording

Psychic cords are condensed, tube-like energy structures which we use to bond or exchange energy with another person. These can be beneficial and healthy forms of exchanges between two people as in the case of a mother and baby, or they can be unhealthy or no longer needed exchanges through these cords, as in the…

Merkaba Magic

What programs should you add to your Merkaba… Programme your Merkaba for healing, balance and to clear past life traumas The benefits of the Merkaba are endless but here are some more obvious benefits: Firstly, your Merkaba once activated will balance the connection between the ‘Mental and Emotional’ parts of your brain. Strengthening your brain…

Akashic records code of ethics

Akashic Records Code of Ethics The primary function of Akashic Records reading is for soul growth for both the client and myself. I am and will always be a treasured being of light I am part of a greater whole in service to humanity, in this work that I have been called upon to carry…

Allowing the flow of abundance

Katherine Tack can usually be found painting. Most probably a portrait of an animal and most probably abstract in nature.   Writing a book was always on her bucket list, and eventually, ‘Abundance Magic’, became a reality. We have heard many times from prophecies like the ‘secret’ that there is a wealth of abundance waiting…

An Akashic Records Reading for Your Soul Journey to thrive

Akashic Records Reading What are the Akashic Records? The Akashic records are a high vibrational energetic library of information that contains every thought, emotion, and experience that has ever happened to every soul that has ever existed. Plus the records contain the most likely of possible futures. The records change constantly because we have free…

Laughter is the best medicine

This is an ‘oldie’ … but a ‘goody’… It’s not even the end of January and some of my friends, family and even some of my clients have admitted that they are struggling with the ‘blues’ the big old, cold, never-ending, ‘dampening our spirits’ January blues… with the bright lights of Christmas a distant twinkle…

Become a magnet for abundance miracles

Become a magnet for abundance miracles. STEP 1 It’s really important that you recognise when you are not in alignment with pure source energy or in simpler terms ‘when you are not being YOU!’ How to test to know whether you are in alignment or not… When you are in alignment your day goes well,…

The good news about changing your money Beliefs

What is at the core of your money beliefs and around wealth, abundance and money? I was talking to a nutritionist at our Christmas party recently and she said she used to try to help people lose weight but it was an impossible task because if their heads weren’t in the right place, it didn’t matter…

What to do if you pull the same card over and over again?

One of my fabulous clients asked me recently what she should do if she keeps pulling the same card over and over again? The card in question, in relation to this article, is the ‘dog’ card. The dog card’s biggest lesson for us in terms of creating abundance and wealth is to instruct us to…

Sustainable Abundance and growth

Sustainability and sustainable abundance are hot topics right now. Hardly a conversation goes by without someone mentioning the word ‘sustainability’. Of course, there are different kinds of sustainability and in the context of ‘abundance and wealth growth’, we mean: How do you ensure your ‘business’ or ‘income model’ grows and then remains sustainable? How are…