One of my fabulous clients asked me recently what she should do if she keeps pulling the same card over and over again?
The card in question, in relation to this article, is the ‘dog’ card. The dog card’s biggest lesson for us in terms of creating abundance and wealth is to instruct us to set a better goal. If you pulled this card from the pack then I can pretty much guarantee that your goal is not clearly defined enough. Read the chapter again and think carefully about the lesson. Have you really identified your goal in a clear and easy to understand way? Have you listed all the steps you can take to achieve your goals?
It may seem obvious from the outside looking in, that my client needs to take a closer look at that card and make sure she has really addressed the lessons offered by that card and the corresponding chapter in the abundance magic book. However, it can be really difficult for us humans to see what is right in front of us. We get so caught up in the day to day running of our lives with millions of distractions and it can be difficult to take a step back and really analyze what is going on. Sometimes ‘we can’t see the wood for the trees’. Coupled with that is the problem we often face in terms of our own money blocks. Or self-sabotaging behaviour because on some level, deep down, we don’t believe we deserve true abundance. If we do not feel aligned with our goals, if we don’t believe we deserve abundance and wealth then we can prevent ourselves from achieving that specific goal.
How to recognise a money block or self-sabotaging behaviour:
- You are offered an opportunity to speak at an event about your business but you feel too nervous or shy and you decline the opportunity.
- You have an amazing idea to make money and your inner voice talks you out of it by bringing up negative ideas or suggesting that it won’t work for one or another reason.
Simple solutions to help break the cycle:
Your subconscious is an incredibly powerful tool and it knows what you need to do to improve your abundance. It cannot, however, use words to explain to you what you need to do to improve your situation. Your subconscious mind is more like a pet dog than a fully logical and reasoning adult. We all make the mistake from time to time and imagine that our subconscious brain is the same as a fully functioning adult that thinks exactly the way our conscious brain does, but this is not the case at all. Your subconscious mind likes to deal with symbols and basic instructions… it likes tangible real things. Think of a dog that you can train to fetch your slippers… but ask the same beloved family pet to fetch you some happiness… It simply cannot find the tangible ‘happiness’ that you requested. If you ask it to fetch you some ‘money’ how can your family pet hop on a bus go to the bank and draw some money out of an account for you? Do you see the problem?.
You really need to break it down for your subconscious brain to help you.
That is the reason why I invented these cards in the first place. By choosing cards with your non-dominant hand, you are harnessing the power of your subconscious brain to help you improve your wealth and abundance.
The subconscious brain is so complicated and we know very little about it in comparison to the rest of the human body. But what I personally have proven time and again is that our subconscious mind can help us move mountains. If you are prepared to learn and speak its language.
Earlier in this article, I mentioned that if we don’t feel 100% aligned to the goal then it’s really difficult to achieve the goal. It can be a bit of a ‘chicken and egg’ situation in terms of how do you feel aligned when there is no evidence in your life that you deserve the end result of this goal?
The best way to give yourself evidence that you do deserve to achieve this goal is to break things down into smaller bite-size attainable goals and then similarly find a way to reward yourself little and often.
That’s it in a nutshell. Break things down into small achievable goals and follow up with lots of little rewards.
Make sure you keep a record of the day you started your journey to achieving excellence and put a date in the diary in 2 months time to remind yourself to look back and witness the incredible journey. This act will further cement the idea in your mind that you are deserving of wealth and abundance.
Your subconscious mind will have all the evidence it needs to understand that it can continue to help and support you toward your goal.
In the book ‘abundance magic’ we have broken these steps down into bite-sized chunks to help you work through the programme and achieve abundance. What are you waiting for? you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain when you start the process…
Heres to a magical abundant journey!