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Abundance Magic – Book


With this Abundance Magic pack you will learn how to:

Release your Money Blocks
Reprogramme your ‘Money Mindset’
Energise your goals and your business
Create sustainable abundance

Have you ever wondered why your goals and dreams never materialise into actual money?
This book and card system could give you valuable ‘insights’ into why you may be blocking your own earning abilities.
Join us on a physical and metaphysical journey to release your money blocks and achieve the magical, abundant life you know you deserve.

Abundance Magic Pack


Are you tired of letting money control your life? This Abundance Magic Book & Oracle Cards Pack from Katherine Tack gives you everything you need to master your business and finances.

Akashic Records Reading


Book your Akashic record reading.

Can also be booked as a gift, please add recipients name to ‘order notes’ at checkout.

Please note – once you have completed your purchase you will receive a link to book your reading.

Akashic Records Reading (audio recorded)


Book your Akashic record reading.

Can also be booked as a gift, please add recipients name to ‘order notes’ at checkout.

After the reading, you will receive a sound recording of the reading, yours to keep.

Please note – once you have completed your purchase you will receive a link to book your reading.

Akashic Records Reading buy as a Gift


An Akashic Records Reading is the perfect gift for a loved one or friend.
An Akashic Records reading with Katherine can provide them with deep answers to their biggest questions!
What type of questions could they ask?

  • What is my life purpose?
  • Why am I struggling with this difficult problem, health issue, or money block?
  • If I make this major change in my life, will it be the right choice?
  • Should I move home?
  • How can I attract better circumstances and outcomes into my life?
  • In what way are my past lives affecting my current life?
  • Do I have the right people in place for my business?
  • Who are my Spirit Guides?

Bilocation Workshop


This is a 3-week course designed to help spiritual people advance to the next level of expansion.
Imagine being able to fully utilise your unique gifts and talents and be abundantly rewarded?

This program has been developed to follow on from level 2 Merkaba activation.

  • Experience the euphoria of Bilocation in the 3rd dimension.
  • Help to decide what you will use your Bilocation skills to achieve.
  • Surrendering to Arch Angels so that they can work with us to help humankind and mother earth.
  • Start or further your ascension process
  • Send your etheric body rather than your physical body to different places on the earth plane.
  • Work with light emissaries to achieve a higher light quotient in your four lower bodies.



Level one and two Merkaba activation must have been completed. MERKABA WORKSHOPS


Bilocation Workshop 04-12


Starting Saturday 4th December 1 pm – 2:30 pm UK Time

This is a 3-week course designed to help spiritual people advance to the next level of expansion.
Imagine being able to fully utilise your unique gifts and talents and be abundantly rewarded?

This program has been developed to follow on from level 2 Merkaba activation.

  • Experience the euphoria of Bilocation in the 3rd dimension.
  • Help to decide what you will use your Bilocation skills to achieve.
  • Surrendering to Arch Angels so that they can work with us to help humankind and mother earth.
  • Start or further your ascension process
  • Send your etheric body rather than your physical body to different places on the earth plane.
  • Work with light emissaries to achieve a higher light quotient in your four lower bodies.



Level one and two Merkaba activation must have been completed. MERKABA WORKSHOPS



Dissolving Poverty Contracts


In our daily lives, we are constantly making agreements with people. Some of these are simple physical agreements like a luncheon date or a cosmic coffee. Or even a contract with your housemates or a partner, for example: if one of you does the dishes the other will hang up the washing. etc. When the activity is completed, the contract is over, it dissipates.

However, there are many types of contracts that you can make with others that are totally unconscious or subconscious decisions. And many too that come from a previous lifetime.

Because this website is focused on abundance and prosperity we also need to look at poverty contracts that may have come with us from a previous life.

If you have lived a previous life as a slave or in servitude to another you may have some of that energy stuck to you and it may be holding you back.

Because of this stuck energy, you may be making decisions based on a ‘fear of lack’, a fear that you are not good enough, you may have chosen parents in this lifetime or a partner in this life that holds a mirror up to you constantly reminding you that you are unworthy.

You may have heard that ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’. or money comes in one hand and it goes out the other… over and over again these words and ideas are bestowed on you by your nearest and dearest. They may not even know that they are doing this to you.
They may have their own contracts that bind them to this behaviour.

Merkaba Activation Workshop (Level 2)


Your Merkabah is connected to your ‘perfected self’
your ‘perfect self’ is ‘you’ at the higher self-level
it’s also ‘you’ as the ‘ascended master you’
The Merkaba is a vehicle that connects us in the physical world to the Divine, the Source energy.

A properly functioning Merkaba field harmonizes our Body and Spirit with the Light.

It removes lower vibrational energy from our four lower bodies and turns on our DNA to reach its full potential, allowing you to heal our physical body. Your Merkaba will integrate the feminine and masculine aspects of our mind, body, and spirit. It will also enable you to experience expanded awareness and connects you with a higher consciousness. It restores our access and memory of the infinite possibilities as spiritual being. It is also an amazing vehicle too fast track your ascension process.

2-hour workshop.

2-hour workshop.

Merkaba Activation Workshop level 1


Your Merkabah is connected to your ‘perfected self’
your ‘perfect self’ is ‘you’ at the higher self-level
it’s also ‘you’ as the ‘ascended master you’
The Merkaba is a vehicle that connects us in the physical world to the Divine, the Source energy.

A properly functioning Merkaba field harmonizes our Body and Spirit with the Light.

It removes lower vibrational energy from our four lower bodies and turns on our DNA to reach its full potential, allowing you to heal our physical body. Your Merkaba will integrate the feminine and masculine aspects of our mind, body, and spirit. It will also enable you to experience expanded awareness and connects you with a higher consciousness. It restores our access and memory of the infinite possibilities as spiritual being. It is also an amazing vehicle to fast track your ascension process.

2-hour workshop.


Releasing Fear Contracts


We have the amazing opportunity to release contracts that we were born with. Contracts that no longer serve us.
By clearing away these contracts, we open ourselves up to the magic of possibilities. We can start afresh, and accomplish goals that have evaded us for some time.

We suggest that you practice these guided meditations every day for 2 weeks. Or check in with your higher self as to how many times you need to release the fear contract.